WaveKey changes the feeling you get from mobile access
Introduce your customers to Bluetooth access technology which is reliable, fast and secure at the same time. We were the first on the market to achieve this combination. Together, we’ve become pioneers in the field of mobile access. Have you set up all four access modes in your projects yet?
The 2N Access Unit M. Standard design, premium functions
We took our 2N Access Unit 2.0 smart readers and refashioned them into a narrower shape that saves space, allows installation on door frames, and speeds up installation to a minimum. In doing so, we made no compromise on functionality. Which versions of the 2N Access Unit M reader have you tried in a project?
The 2N® IP Style is making waves on the market
Did you want the best of an intercom, access reader, and camera in one product? Were you looking for a device that will still be at the top of its class 6 years from now? Then you’ll most certainly have already ordered our latest 2N® IP Style intercom. You’ll have already unboxed it and marveled at the brightness of the display, the smooth animations, vibrant camera images, and surprising robustness. Have you installed the 2N® IP Style in both residential and office projects yet?
My2N. Management of apartment buildings in one place
The My2N cloud platform can speed up your installation setup by up to 80% in the vast majority of projects. This is also due to the new user interface we introduced last year. If your focus is on apartment buildings, you’re sure to have been pleased by the new apartment structure and the lower price of the subscription to the 2N® Mobile Video service for apartment buildings. Did you notice that you can also set up simple access credentials directly in My2N? This is made possible by the 2N® Residential Access service, which we will be expanding considerably this year. Are you looking forward to that?
2N® Access Commander has come of age
The nerve center of our access control system is 2N® Access Commander. It received so many major improvements last year that we should change its name from 2N® Access Commander to 2N® Access General. We started with enhanced LDAP synchronization, which is often a requirement in larger projects. We then simplified licensing, introduced the so-called dashboard, and added license plates as access credentials. In the last update, we expanded the visitor management functions to such an extent that we had to create a special section just for them. 2N® Access Commander streamlines the management of the access control system so much that it’s even worthwhile in a project with just 3 doors and 20 users. Are you suggesting it for these smaller projects too?
Source: 2N